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Company Secretary

We provide various company secretary services upon request of various clients professionally.


We provide the following services


Standard Hong Kong company secretary services

Preparing statutory documents such as annual return, return of allotment, return of change of registered office, return of change of directors and company secretary for clients to Companies Registry and minutes of directors’ meeting and shareholders’ meeting (not including any government charges).

Other company secretary services


- Registered office address and correspondence address

- Change of Company name or increase capital upon request of clients

- Prepare documents for transfer of shares (change of shareholders)

- Renew business registration certificate

- Redirect correspondence

- Assist clients to set up Hong Kong and overseas trust

- Assist clients to form association, society, charitable institution or trust of a public character

- Prepare Register of Significant Controllers

- Acting as Designated Representative (if necessary)

Statutory requirements in Hong Kong

Pursuant to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, each limited liability company must appoint a Company Secretary to prepare statutory documents for the company and co-ordinate with various government departments.  And every company must submit an annual return with registration fee to Companies Registry annually.  A surcharge will be levied if the annual return cannot be filed on time.

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